This is the project page for the CALCULUS Project. CALCULUS stands for Commonsense and Anticipation enriched Learning of Continuous representations sUpporting Language UnderStanding (CALCULUS). The goal of CALCULUS is to advance the state of the art of NLU by drawing inspiration from neuroscience and cognitive science research. For a more in depth overview, have a look at the Research page.
The CALCULUS project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the Horizon 2020 Advanced Grant 788506. We are part of the Language Intelligence and Information Retrieval (LIIR) lab at the Department of Computer Science at KU Leuven. Our group is also part of the ELLIS Society.
Don’t miss the CALCULUS Symposium, where we invite participants to discuss the results and future directions of advancing the state of the art of NLU:
The AAAI paper of Jingyuan Sun, Mingxiao Li and Sien was accepted! Congratulations!
Mingxiao Li got the award of Congratulations of the Examination Board for his PhD thesis defended on 18/11/2024 ! Congratulations!
The COLM paper of Nathan Cornille, Sien and Florian Mai was accepted! Congratulations!
The TACL paper of Wolf, Ruben, and Sien was published! Congratulations!
The ICLR paper of Mingxiao Li, Tingyu Qu and Sien was accepted! Congratulations!
We are announcing the CALCULUS Symposium held at KU Leuven on January 29-30, 2024!